Personal Injury Damages: Types of Compensation

Law Blog

If you are successful in a civil lawsuit involving personal injury, you are entitled to financial damages. Basically, the term 'damages' is used to refer to the monetary compensation which is awarded to the affected or injured party. The exact amount of money will vary depending on the unique circumstances of each case presented before the court. Ideally, the objective of the compensation is to restore the injured person to the same position that they would be in if the accident had not occurred.

5 January 2016

Proving an Auto Accident Personal Injury Claim

Law Blog

When you make a claim of personal injury against someone, you are required to prove that he/she caused your injuries to get compensation. Sometimes it is easy to get a settlement whereas at times it is difficult to reach a reasonable settlement. Here's what you need to do in order to prove your personal injury case when you seek legal services. The Injured Person's Burden in an Injury Claim When you take a personal injury claim to court, the burden is on you to prove the elements that are being alleged.

30 December 2015