What to Do in the Aftermath of an Accident at Work

Law Blog

Regulators want to ensure that the average man or woman can go to work with a settled mind, full in the knowledge that they will be protected should an accident or incident occur. All employers are required to comply with stringent safety measures and have support systems in place should anything go wrong, while they must also be able to ensure financial assistance and medical treatment in the worst-case scenario. It can be comforting to know that all of these elements are in place, but if you are affected, you still need to make conscious decisions and take the appropriate action to make sure you're covered. What are some of the mistakes you should avoid in this situation?

Putting It Down

The last thing on your mind if you're unfortunate enough to be injured is paperwork. Nevertheless, you will need to commit some of the finer details to paper, so that you can stand your ground if anything is challenged. Don't gloss over any of the "irrelevant" details, as you never know what could be key to your case in the future.

Certainly, your attending physician or family doctor will keep a lot of information for their records. However, you cannot rely on this for your case, as they have a lot of patients and cannot be expected to remember everything.

Watch What You Say

Assuming that you have gathered a comprehensive list of information, don't be tempted to divulge this to investigators at the first opportunity. Some people think that this will help to push their case forward and lead to an earlier decision, but you should always talk with a representative before you do so. In particular, don't sign any documents without fully understanding what is included, especially if presented by an insurance company representative.

Pushing Through

Whenever there is a process involved, mistakes can happen, and incorrect decisions can be made. You may not run up against this obstacle, but if you do, don't be discouraged and be tenacious instead. You can certainly use a government-provided conciliation service, but this is not the only option, and if you need to go to court to maintain your position, you should always get professional help.

Don't Delay

While many people will want to get moving with any claim as soon as possible, others may not see the importance of swift action. From many different angles, it's best if you do not delay, as you don't want to miss out on any benefits that could be coming your way when all have been analysed.

The Best Approach

As you can see, it would be in your best interests to get professional advice from a workers' compensation lawyer.


10 October 2018

Sorting out my dad's estate

My dad died when I was still pretty young so it's been a big surprise all the stuff I've had to do to sort out his estate. I'm an only child and my folks divorced when I was a baby so most of the work fell to me. He was kind of disorganised and grumpy, but at least he'd spoken to his lawyer and got a proper will drawn up which saved on confusion at a tricky time. If you are a young person dealing with the estate of a deceased parent, this blog is designed to help you navigate the legal processes.