All You Need to Know About Parole

Law Blog

When you are granted parole, you are released from custody to serve the remaining part of your prison sentence under ongoing rehabilitation, support and supervision. If you are serving a long prison sentence and anxious to return to the community, you can ask your criminal lawyer to appeal to the adult parole board to grant you parole. The following article will educate you on the conditions of a parole order and how parole boards grant parole and what happens when you breach the conditions of your parole. 

Conditions of Parole

When you are granted parole, you should abide by the conditions of your parole order. There are two types of conditions: standard and intensive conditions.

Standard conditions are those conditions given to all offenders. These conditions include informing your parole officer on your whereabouts, reporting to your parole officer and seeking permission from the authorities when intending to travel overseas or interstate.

Intensive conditions apply to issues that are specific to your case. For example, you may be required to attend cancelling for drug addiction or anxiety problems.

What the Parole Board Considers When Granting Parole

The parole board will weigh the risk of releasing you to serve the rest of your sentence in the community. When accessing the risk of granting you parole, the board will consider your chances of committing a crime while on parole and the safety of the community or a particular individual.

The board will consider the seriousness and circumstances of the crime that landed you in prison. For example, if you are imprisoned for murder, the board will determine whether it was first-degree or second-degree murder and what led you to commit that crime.

The board analyses your behaviour while in prison. Parole boards usually see your behaviour in prison as a reflection of how you are likely to act if you are released. For example, when evaluating your behaviour, the parole board will check to see the programmes you have participated in, how you respond to your authorities and how you relate to other prisoners.

What Happens When You Breach Parole

If you breach any requirements or conditions of your parole order, your parole will either be cancelled or suspended. A breach of these requirements or conditions occurs if you:

  • Are charged with a new offence
  • Are in possession of alcohol or drugs or test positive for alcohol or drugs
  • Fail to report to your parole officer for supervision
  • Fail to attend counselling or treatment programmes
  • Disorderly conduct

If the parole board suspends your parole, you return to serving the remainder of your prison sentence until it is complete unless your lawyer is successful in lifting the suspension. On the other hand, if the parole board cancels your parole, you return to serving the remainder of your parole unless your lawyer succeeds in reapplying for parole. 


29 January 2016

Sorting out my dad's estate

My dad died when I was still pretty young so it's been a big surprise all the stuff I've had to do to sort out his estate. I'm an only child and my folks divorced when I was a baby so most of the work fell to me. He was kind of disorganised and grumpy, but at least he'd spoken to his lawyer and got a proper will drawn up which saved on confusion at a tricky time. If you are a young person dealing with the estate of a deceased parent, this blog is designed to help you navigate the legal processes.